The INsider Turns 1!
Happy birthday to The INsider! NCMIC’s employee newsletter is officially 1 year old this month — that’s 12 months of news and information all about NCMIC’s most valuable asset: YOU!
That’s me, at left. My name is Jody Gifford and I’m a communications & PR strategist in the Marketing department here at NCMIC. I started in February 2021, right in the middle of the pandemic. You’ve probably seen me around the building, refilling my water bottle and raiding the breakroom for snacks. I like short walks to the WTCOOO deck and close parking spots out in front of the building.
Part of my role in Marketing is to produce newsletters for the different lines of business. DCs, NDs, dentists and physicians — each group has their own eNewsletter, some are sent quarterly, others monthly. I gather, coordinate, write and edit content for these digital communications.
As we all know, the pandemic changed how we did business. Meetings, celebrations, events and activities, everything was done online, taking away the face-to-face interactions (and frankly, some of the fun) out of daily work life. When folks returned to the office after 16 months of working from home, it took time to get used to the new way of doing things — like using a limb that’s been in a cast or walking on dry land after being on a cruise ship.
NCMIC’s leaders recognized that things at the office just weren’t the same and, last summer, set out to shore up some of the connections we’d lost while working from home. That’s when the idea for an employee newsletter came about.
After a lot of planning and discussion, The INsider made its debut on Aug. 23, 2022. In the first eNewsletter, NCMIC employees learned about the history of chiropractic, read about the last Battle of the ‘Burbs race and got their first look at HR News You Can Use (which is still one of the most read features in the monthly newsletter). We also launched a contest where NCMIC employees could suggest a name for the new eNewsletter. The INsider turned out to be the perfect title.
It's been a fun year of sharing news and information with you all. I look forward to finding new and inventive ways to share the NCMIC story in The INsider, but I can’t do it without YOU. Here’s how you can help:
Do you have a question, curiosity or idea that you’d like to see addressed in The INsider? Drop me an email.
Are you or someone in your department celebrating a big life event? Maybe there’s a new baby, engagement, wedding or graduation on the horizon? Send me an email with the details (ask permission to share if it’s someone else). Great news is always welcome. Photos are definitely encouraged.
Is there something you’d like to read about in a future newsletter? Let me know! I will always take story ideas.
Thank you, as always, for reading The INsider. It’s been such a pleasure putting it together each month. I can’t wait to hear from you and look forward to sifting through all the news and ideas you send my way!