HR News You Can Use

NCMIC to Offer Unconscious Bias Training

In the coming months, all NCMIC employees will participate in unconscious bias training, a workshop uncovering the root of our unconscious bias. What is unconscious bias? Otherwise known as “implicit bias,” it’s the social stereotypes we carry about certain groups of people. We are often unaware that we hold these stereotypes and may not realize how they shape our interactions with others.  

The training, offered by Raising the Barr, will help employees understand how unconscious biases are formed and the impact they can have in the workplace. The workshops will begin third quarter (2022) and will be conducted in small groups. Additional details regarding scheduling will be announced in the coming weeks.

REMINDER: 2022 Health Risk Assessments

MercyOne is coming to NCMIC on September 20-22, 27 & 29 to complete the 2022 Health Risk Assessment. Employees will be receiving an email directly from MercyOne toward the end of August to sign up for a time.

As a reminder any spouse/significant other that is covered under the NCMIC medical plan will also need to complete a Health Risk Assessment They will have the opportunity to complete this at NCMIC or with their primary care doctor. Anyone that plans to utilize their primary care doctor or has been seen within the last 12 months will need to have a separate form filled out and returned directly to MercyOne. Please contact HR for the form. HR will NOT collect these forms.

Those employees and covered spouses/significant other who do not complete the Health Risk Assessment and/or use tobacco will be subject to a premium surcharge in 2023. Tobacco forms will be filled out at the time of your onsite assessment (if they haven’t been filled out previously). Any dependent 18 or older that is covered on the medical plan will also need to complete the tobacco affidavit. Please stop in or message HR with questions.


Upcoming Events/Important Dates

Sept. 5 – Labor Day

Sept. 7 – Biannual Update

Sept. 8 – NCMIC Football Fall Frenzy (5:30-8:30 p.m.)

Celebrating the Iowa vs. Iowa State game with a picnic/open house on the NCMIC Campus and hosted by the Social Committee. There will be food, drinks, treats, games, and activities for the kids!

Sept. 20-22, 27 & 29 – Health Risk Assessments

Sept. 27 – NCMIC Habitat for Humanity Build

Sept. 29 – September Employee Recognition

Charitable Events

Sept. 1 – DEI Workplace Excellence Awards

Sept. 8 – Celebration of Smiles

Sept. 16 – Jazz, Jewels & Jeans

Sept. 18 – Kid Cancer Crushers 2nd Annual Party at the Park

Sept. 21 – Iowa Top Workplace 2022

New Hires

Brandon Mink – Database Administrator III


Tony Ranniger – Vice President, Underwriting

Nicky Carpenter – Director, Risk Operations

Carla Castle – Underwriting Operations Analyst

Joe Soda – Vice President, Professional Liability Programs


Jessica Gordon, 1 year

Nicole Loyd, 3 years

Amanda Clayton, 3 years

Melissa Carre, 3 years

Rachael Scannell, 6 years

Jackie Hellrung, 8 years

Noah Jackson, 11 years

Debbie Rasley, 14 years

Sharyl Norris, 15 years

Troy Miller, 17 years

Juanita Kern, 18 years

Nathan Henn, 20 years

Jo Lynn Quick, 21 years

Gary Hoffman, 21 years


August Birthdays

1 – Noah Jackson

Troy Miller

3 – Melissa Knutson

5 – Amanda Swenson

6 – Gena Januszewski

8 – Ida Dominguez

12 – Brian Black

Amanda Westerhold

14 – Ian Applegate

15 – Hannah Felt

Angela Lopez

17 – Susan Masilkowski

18 – Jennifer Highland

Diane Miller

20 – Carla Castle

22 – Cori Croonquist

Valerie Fouts

AJ Simpson

24 – Becky Fluegge

Lori Holt

25 – Scott Grunert

Tara McGuire

26 – Sandra Poe

28 – Andy Pratt

31 – Marc Babcock


NCMIC Employees: Taking Care of the Community
